If you've been on the internet at all for the past five years, and I'm guessing you have, then you've probably noticed that weird social media trends pop up roughly once every six months.

In the past three years alone, there's been dog shaming, planking, Tebowing and dads who put cheerios on their sleeping babies (#CheerioChallenge).

Well, now there's a new trend, and it's called the "Mannequin Challenge." Despite what sounds like, this challenge does not involve walking into your local department store and stealing as many mannequins as possible. Nope.

Instead. the challenge calls for a group of people to stand still in funny poses so that they look like a mannequin. Once the group is properly set, someone walks around with a camera to show us all the poses.

Anyway, not only have the Steelers heard about the mannequin challenge, but they decided to do it on Friday.

In the video below, you will notice a frozen Antonio Brown drinking Gatorade, and most impressively, you will see a frozen James Harrison stuck in a pull-up position.


A video posted by James Harrison (@jhharrison92) on

The Steelers almost pulled off the perfect mannequin challenge; unfortunately, at least two players in the video didn't get the mannequin memo.

Here's another short mannequin challenge that Harrison posted on Instagram:

Short mannequin challenge

A video posted by James Harrison (@jhharrison92) on

Anyway, here's a couple more mannequin challenge videos so you have a better idea of what your supposed to do. That way, you can make all your friends do it with you this weekend.

Here's a hockey one:

And a here's basketball one:

If anyone asks you who started it, just tell them I invented it (I didn't invent it).