The Pac-12 announced Friday that commissioner Larry Scott tested positive for COVID-19. This news came just hours after the league announced its fall sports season will consist only of conference games while the nation continues to grapple with the coronavirus.
"After experiencing mild flu-like symptoms late this week and out of an abundance of caution, Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott was tested for COVID-19," the Pac-12's statement said. "The test for commissioner Scott came back positive, and as a result he is self-quarantining at the direction of his physician. Commissioner Scott is continuing to carry on his duties remotely as normal."
Scott, 55, has been commissioner of the Pac-12 since 2009. He helped the league reach its decision Friday to play only conference games in football, men's and women's soccer and women's volleyball this season because of the pandemic.
"The health and safety of our student-athletes and all those connected to Pac-12 sports continues to be our number one priority," Scott said. "Our decisions have and will be guided by science and data, and based upon the trends and indicators over the past days, it has become clear that we need to provide ourselves with maximum flexibility to schedule, and to delay any movement to the next phase of return-to-play activities."