Start Your League Today! |
League Fee Play free or for less than $11/person in a 14-team league |
$0 |
$179.99 $149.99 |
League Structure Select your number of teams and division setup |
10 Teams |
Up to 30 teams |
Scoring Set points by position, bonuses and custom categories |
Standard |
1000+ options |
Draft Salary Cap, Snake, Offline, Extended and hybrid options |
Snake or Auto |
All Options |
Advanced Data Complete access to player stats with custom saved reports |
Recaps & Projections Weekly recaps and rankings plus live real-time score projections |
Player Policies In-depth settings for add/drop, FAB, player pool and trades |
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Keepers Unlimited with detailed long-term contracts |
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Schedule Multiple games/week, custom playoffs and other options |
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CBSSports.com Baseball Commissioner is open to (a) Registered Users; (b) twenty-one (21) years of age or older at the time of registration. CBSSports.com Baseball Commissioner is subject to the complete applicable Terms of Use. Void where prohibited by law. CBSSports.com Free Fantasy Baseball Challenge is open to persons who are: (a) Registered Users; (b) legal residents of the United States (c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older, at the date of registration in the Challenge. All Leagues are subject to the complete applicable Official Rules. Void where prohibited by law. |