The Indians on Wednesday defeated the Blue Jays in Game 5 of the ALCS and in doing so advanced to the World Series. Ryan Merritt, making just the second start of his career, silenced Toronto bats for 4 1/3 innings.

That's notable because Blue Jays philosopher-king Jose Bautista prior to Game 5 opined that young Merritt should be "shaking in his boots" at the thought of facing the Toronto bats. Well, that turned out to be less than foreboding, as Merritt allowed just two hits in his scoreless outing.

Needless to say, after those particular baseball outcomes, Twitter had its way with Joey Bats and his pregame remarks. Come with us, won't you?

Knockin' boots

Generous memorabilia offer

Knockin' boots II (yes, it's also Mr. Bautista's birthday)

How are you spending your birthday, Mr. Bats?

Boots that sort of look like they have hot dogs in them

Life lessons from a second baseman

Boots, redux

Actions yield consequences
The president would like to speak with you
Another drone strike
From the GOAT
Ryan Merritt is from Texas. Did you know that?
Jose Bootstista
Crying Jordan, you have been summoned
The high road, taken

Boots, people. Boots.