With the news that Lelands.com is auctioning off the 1964 NFL title ring worn by Jim Brown -- who subsequently has said that ring was stolen from him in the late 1960s -- here's a look at the powerhouse running back in the triumphant Browns locker room following Cleveland's 27-0 championship victory vs. the Baltimore Colts.

Well, via Getty Images, it's actually mostly a look at UPI photographer Ron Kuntz appearing to be stunned by what he'd seen in the lens of the man who was taking his picture. Or maybe he was surprised by a camera flash or disturbed by all the dirty laundry. Either way, Kuntz is a nice-looking boy who's COMPLETELY MISSING THE STORY IN FRONT OF HIM.

That the mighty Jim Brown is brushing his hair.

A couple things:

1) That's Brown brushing his hair in that four-sided department store-like mirror before, we assume, he sets out to hit and then close down the town that, at this very moment, held him so dear. But you probably want to see a close-up version of Brown, right?

Fair enough.

2) I'm sure you've already noticed this, but you can see the photographer who's taking the photo in the mirror. His name is Frank Aleksandrowicz, and he actually died last month at the age of 92. Here's a cool video of Aleksandrowicz, who was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, about how he met his wife and how he remembered her after she died.

And just for the heck of it, here's an interesting tidbit on Kuntz, and here's his obituary from May 2013 when you can see that Kuntz maintained a boyish look even into his later years.

3) At the time this photo was snapped, Brown was 28 years old. He would play just one more season -- and collect a league-leading 1,554 yards and 17 touchdowns in 1965 -- before retiring.

We imagine that his hair looked good the entire time.