In an interview Tuesday with CBS Morning News, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said the league requested the surveillance video from the Atlantic City hotel where Ray Rice punched then-fiancée Janay Palmer in the face, "Because when we make a decision we want to have all the information that's available. When we met with Ray Rice and his representatives it was ambiguous about what actually happened."
Thursday night, four sources told ESPN's Don Van Natta Jr. that when Rice met with Goodell, he told the commissioner that he did in fact punch his fiancee.
"Ray didn't lie to the commissioner," one source with knowledge of the meeting told Van Natta Jr. "He told the full truth to Goodell -- he made it clear he had hit her, and he told Goodell he was sorry and that it wouldn't happen again."
"He told the truth," a second source said. "This is a public lynching of Ray."
A third source, who also had knowledge of Rice's discussions with Goodell, added: "There was no ambiguity about what happened [in the elevator]." A fourth source also confirmed this to Van Natta Jr., although a fifth source said Rice told Goodell he had "slapped" Palmer.
On Wednesday, Ravens general manager Ozzie Newsome said: "Ray had given a story to John [Harbaugh] and I. And what we saw on the video was what Ray said. Ray didn't lie to me. He didn't lie to me."
This latest development comes hours after a Wall Street Journal report that Goodell backed off his investigation of what happened between Rice and Palmer after hearing Palmer's side of the story. Reportedly, she told the commissioner that she had hit Rice and felt partially responsible for what happened on the night in question.
According to the WSJ, Goodell "felt it would have been insensitive to question Janay Rice's story because it would have come across as an indictment of her character."
Meanwhile, if Goodell had viewed the video there would be no room for ambiguity or concerns about being insensitive to the victim. Goodell told CBS This Morning that neither he nor anyone in his office saw the video, a claim that was refuted in an Associated Press report that said a law enforcement official sent the video to the league in April.
The NFL announced Wednesday night that former FBI Director Robert Mueller will head an independent investigation into what Goodell and the league did and didn't know regarding the Ray Rice case. Whatever comes of that, this much is a near certainty: Goodell will keep his job.