In this episode: ITC is JERICHO! That's right, none other than the "Ayatollah of Rock 'n' rolla" Chris Jericho joins the program (46:07) to show Brian Campbell and co-host Adam Silverstein why he is indeed the best in the world at what he does. Jericho talks the Greatest Royal Rumble, his current status with WWE and whether today's in-ring product is truly better than ever before. BC and The Silver King kick off the show discussing the passing of "The Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino (0:00) before wading into the deep end that was WWE's Superstar Shakeup this week (8:28). Which brand won and what are the guys most excited to see? Be sure to listen and find out. Hero and Zero (1:15:08) and the Feel Spots (1:53:00) are hit as usual, but there are also some bonus interviews (1:30:35) to fill your ear hole, including some straight talk with a couple of Good Brothers, Dolph Ziggler, Dash Wilder and Mickie James. Fill up your cup with some Milk of Marknesia, drink it in, mannnnn ... and settle into this edition of the ITC.
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