
Video: Paige Bueckers highlights

See the 2019-20 Player of the Year in action.

"I always want to win," Paige Bueckers said. "That's my main objective."

Combine that steely determination to dominate with elite athleticism and an off-the-charts basketball IQ, and you have the 2019-20 MaxPreps Player of the Year.

Winning? She leaves Hopkins (Minnetonka, Minn.), No. 4 in the nation, with a 62-game winning streak that's still going.

Athleticism? The Hopkins' boys coach says the 5-10 Bueckers could start for his team.

Basketball IQ? "She sees the game two or three passes in advance," said coach Brian Cosgriff.

And yes, she's competitive. "Even in board games with my family, I hate losing," says Bueckers. ...

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