Everyone has bad weeks, but goalkeeper Marco Kwiotek had pretty much the worst week you could imagine.

While playing for the German club SV Vonderort, Kwiotek allowed 43 goals -- 35 in the first half alone -- against PSV Oberhausen. Things got so out of hand that PSV Oberhausen even removed three of its players to try to even out the sides.

It didn't work -- SV Vonderort lost, 43-0.

Alright, look. It was a bad day for Kwiotek. You shake it off and move on, right?

Not quite.

Five days later during a training session, two police cars reportedly arrived at SV Vonderort's practice facility. Armed officers made their way to Kwiotek and escorted him off the field.

Kwiotek was taken to a local police station for questioning and, according to The Sun, police have refused to explain why he was taken into custody and nobody can seem to get a hold of the goalkeeper.

Hmmm. I'm no private detective but it doesn't take much sleuthing to come to the most obvious conclusion: Kwiotek was clearly arrested because he allowed nearly 50 goals in a single game. There's got to be some kind of law against that.

Case closed.

Despite Kwiotek's horrendous performance, club managing director Christian Schroer trusts the process, saying, "Hopefully he will be back for the next game."

I'm sure the opposing coach is thinking the same thing.

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