Now this is how you start a Friday. A shirtless Rick Pitino displaying his freshly adorned tat. Are we having fun yet or what? The pictures come via Twitter from Kenny Klein, Louisville's sports information director. I think that's a pretty solid choice. Nothing too crazy, but credit to not going too small, either. That's a good hunk of real estate on the ol' epidermis there.

Pitino got inked because he made a promise to the team earlier this year. If they won the national championship, he'd save some skin for a tribute to the campaign. Here's a closer look.

Pitino has said frequently that this club -- basically the same team for the past two seasons -- has given him a bond unlike any other that he's had before. And it could've only been this group that inspired him to do this. Or made him crazy enough to consider it.

I love stuff like this. Fun bets with permanent damage on the line. Players and coaches creating relationships that lead to bizarre incidents like the one shown above. 

Pitino is 60 years old.

UPDATE! We have video.