Wind and rain at a British Open? Never heard of such a thing.

Royal Troon is scheduled to get rain three of the four days of this year's Open, which is basically the same as every Open. What will be interesting is to see how and when the wind blows. You could make the case that last year's Open was affected (maybe even decided) by when the wind blew at St. Andrews.

If it howls hard again this year, you could see players hitting 6-irons or lower into the 123-yard Postage Stamp hole on the front nine at Royal Troon. It could get wild. As of Monday, winds were expected to blow but not out of control like they did last year at St. Andrews.

Here's a look at the forecast for tournament days, according to


Looks like a proper Open to me. Cold, rainy and blustery but not outrageously windy. Sounds like we will get a tested and true Champion Golfer of the Year. Another interesting note is what side of the draw will get more rain and wind. Early-late or late-early? The effect from the draw is largely underrated from tournament to tournament, but it is exacerbated at the majors.

"The fact that it's played on a links course [where] the conditions can be so different from day to day," said Rory McIlroy recently. "That's the real uniqueness about the Open Championship. The terrain, the links the wind, those all play massive factors."