Bill Murray, Jordan Spieth and friends. @Gosset41

Niall Horan and Bill Murray as Carl Spackler in the same golf blog post. What a world.

On Wednesday, Horan played in the BMW PGA Championship Pro-Am at Wentworth in England. Here in the United States, Bill Murray (a.k.a Carl Spackler) played with Jordan Spieth in the Dean & Deluca Invitational Pro-Am.

It went better than last year for Horan, who almost ended someone's life when he played with Rory McIlroy. He admitted he was really nervous this time around, but he was out there this year draining putts and looking like a real pro. Oh, and the crowds rolled deep.

Like, really deep.

Heck, his group even won the thing.

On our side of the pond, Murray showed up at Colonial dressed exactly how he dresses for all golf outings -- like he's been shopping at the thrift store for his nicest clothes.

Murray is apparently a big Spieth fan.

And the opposite is true as well.

"I consider him a friend," said Spieth before they teed off. "Every time we see each other we come up and have a talk. It'll be a lot of fun today. I was really excited to hear about the pairing, so it'll keep things really light today. I've seen this course plenty of times. It's not like I'm out there really trying to grind.

"This is one of the best pro-am groups, and I get lucky every week. I ... meet a lot of really cool people in the pro-ams, and this one is certainly different having Bill. I'll try and hold back on the 'Caddyshack' references today."