Eight new champions were crowned at the 2017 Drive, Chip and Putt at Augusta National on Sunday. From a group of 80 golfers, one boy and one girl took home a trophy from four different age groups.

Not only that, but several former Masters champions were there to hand out the hardware, including 1998 winner Mark O’Meara.

“It amazes me the poise that these young people have,” O’Meara said. “To be able to perform in front of their family and friends and champions. Being part of this day is very, very special.”

“I don’t suppose many of them had a good night sleep last night,” added last year’s Masters champ Danny Willett. “It’d be like getting ready for Christmas.”

As Rex Hoggard of Golf Channel noted, participation in this event continues to surge year over year, and the competition keeps getting stiffer.

“Everybody wants to do it now,” Sam Kodak said, who was part of the boys 12-13 division to Golf Channel. “Not many people ever imagined coming here but this is such a great opportunity.

Here were the winners from Sunday:

  • Carter Gaede (Boys 7-9)
  • Liam Hartling (Boys 10-11) 
  • Zachary Colon (boys 12-13)
  • Mason Quagliata (Boys 14-15)
  • Maye Huang (Girls 7-9)
  • Lucy Yuan (Girls 10-11)
  • Alexa Pano (Girls 12-13) 
  • Savannah Grewal (Girls 14-15)

Those were the ones who received trophies for their efforts on Sunday, but of course the win is just getting to Augusta National for this horde of spectacular young golfers.