It is the beginning of April, the time of year where we gush over the setting of Augusta National, predict whether Tiger Woods will ever win another major and see how far a cool $100 will takes us at the Masters concession stand.

Last year, I went with a thin wallet and only saw how much I could buy with a $20 bill. Thankfully, CBS upped my budget this year, so I set out to see how many golf fans I could buy lunch for with a single Benjamin Franklin.

A $100 bill went a long way at the Masters concession stand. (CBS Sports)
A $100 bill went a long way at the Masters concession stand. (CBS Sports)

The prices at the Augusta National concession stands are truly amazing, rivaling your neighborhood park concession stand more than that at one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Forget about even comparing them to major events like the Super Bowl, where you will be hard pressed to feed a family of four for under $100. The Masters is truly a “tradition unlike any other” in every sense of the phrase.

'Selections at the Masters' concession stand menu. (CBS Sports)
'Selections at the Masters' concession stand menu. (CBS Sports)

Seventeen was the magic number. I was able to buy 17 people lunch on Tuesday with the $100. In fact, I even got a $1 back in change with the total bill coming to an even $99.

Let’s see how it all looks broken down:

Total items purchased: 50

Most expensive item: $4 (beer)

Least expensive item: $1 (candy/chips)

Most popular item: Pimento cheese sandwich (nine purchased)

Other items requested: Egg salad sandwich (six), barbecue sandwich (five), chicken sandwich (six)

Beers requested: Two (!)

The $100 Masters lunch receipt. (CBS Sports)
The $100 Masters lunch receipt. (CBS Sports)

Plenty of well-priced snacks are available at the Masters. (CBS Sports)
Plenty of well-priced snacks are available at the Masters. (CBS Sports)