If your school's colors are orange and blue there's a good chance Nike is giving you new uniforms today. First photos of Illinois' "rebranding" leaked, and now Syracuse is officially unveiling their new uniforms.

And, well, I'll just let you judge them for yourself.

So, all right, not that you've seen them I'm going to let you know how I feel. My mother always taught me that if I don't have anything nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all, but this was before the internet came around, and the internet changed things.

In a word I'd go with awful. I guess the uniforms themselves aren't terrible -- I'm actually fond of the helmets --but I can't get past whatever font it is that they're using for the numbers. When I first saw them my gut reaction was that it was some kind of hoax, but unfortunately, it wasn't.

So if there was such a thing as uniform battles, I'd have to say Illinois won the day over Syracuse. So I guess Illinois finally found a way to win a football-related contest.