Becoming a professional fighter and succeeding is not something easily done -- just ask CM Punk -- but actor Idris Elba was able to win his debut as a professional kickboxer in England, as documented by Madonna.

Yes, I'll give you a second to read the last half of that sentence again and process it.

Elba decided to try his hand at kickboxing and appears to be pretty good at it. He made his debut in London Friday night and luckily for us, Madonna was there ringside to take video.

Idris Elba Smashes it at York Hall! 👊🏾😂🇬🇧

A video posted by Madonna (@madonna) on

He looks pretty good in this short glimpse of the action, offering up some quality lead leg kicks and countering kicks with punches that slipped through his opponent's guard. Elba isn't giving up acting for good, but the star of "The Wire" and Pacific Rim looks almost as comfortable in the ring as he does in front of a camera.