Man, this is the basketball story that keeps on giving.

It seems like every couple of months there's a new wrinkle to the phenomenal true story about a late-night basketball game between Eddie Murphy's crew and Prince, which was so eloquently retold by Eddie's brother, Charlie Murphy, during an iconic episode of "Chappelle's Show."

If you're among the four people on Earth who haven't seen it, you can check out the skit here (complete with some naughty language). Basically, Charlie Murphy recounts how a night of partying with Eddie and Prince evolved into a basketball game back at Prince's place.

Of course, Prince, fully decked out in purple fringe, ends up being the best player on the court and absolutely schools Murphy and his friends.

Prince is a legend for more than just his music. Screen Shot/YouTube

And that was the end of the story -- well, that's what we thought.

The game and events of the night have since been confirmed by multiple sources, including Prince himself before he passed away, but apparently there was one very important, savage detail that hadn't been revealed.

In a recent feature in GQ, Chris Heath asked Prince's friends about the game. That's when one of them, Gilbert Davison, dropped this nugget:

The backstory to that was--and this is the part Charlie doesn't tell--Eddie had wanted to play Prince his new album. So during that basketball game, Eddie's music was playing, via boom box, on a cassette. After that game, Prince goes over and he tosses the cassette out of the boom box, and he says, "Let me ask you a question: Do you see me stop my show to do comedy?"

Shut it down! Let's go home!

As if it weren't bad enough that Prince had just embarrassed them on the court, now he's literally trashing Eddie's music? Just tremendous.

Hopefully more details come out about this as the years progress because this is turning out to be one of the single greatest nights in human history.

By the way ... Prince was probably right to throw out Eddie's music.

Wink of the CBS eye to SB Nation