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What follows, which is a wholesome, nutritious and championship adult beverage, was originally reported on back in late April by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. That means what follows is not especially new. As philosophers have taught us, though, inspired excellence has no expiration date, so this shall be shared with you on this late September day. 

Please do admire this vast cocktail, which fills the belly as reliably as it drunkens ... 


That, friends, is a Bloody Mary lovingly crafted by the mixologists at O'Davey's Irish Pub & Restaurant in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin -- where the good times go to have good times. Now, the ingredients list:

This ultimate hangover cure is topped with an extensive beer chaser consisting of pop corn, bacon, peanuts, beans, sausage, pretzel, sliders, a pickle and (this is Wisconsin after all) a cracker and cheese curd. Plus a Brewers flag. 

As magazines like Esquire remind us, only a gentleman's gentleman puts beans in his drink. 

In conclusion, please join me in bellowing, "Wisconsin uber alles!"