Nothing says "great lawyer" quite like "guy who can't remember his client's name." As such, Aaron Hernandez, the former Patriots tight end being tried for double murder, should probably be a touch concerned with his representation.

Hernandez appeared in court recently and his famous attorney Jose Baez, while council went around representing itself to the judge, said he was in court representing his client "Aaron Rodriguez."

Via TMZ:

Who is this guy, Chareth Cutestory? How do you walk into court and not remember the name of your client, while also just assigning him a random last name? Watch Hernandez' face after it happens -- he has the "oh no I've made a terrible mistake" look in his eyes.

There are obviously worse things happening in a double-murder case -- namely two people were murdered -- but if you're fighting for your life and truly believe you are innocent of the crimes you're being charged with, you want an attorney who pays meticulous attention to detail. You don't want one who forgets your name.

The two seemed to share a little laugh afterward, however. Which, yeah, it's kind of funny in a "hey you're mailing this in, huh?" kind of way.

In reality, Baez is theoretically a really great lawyer -- he got Casey Anthony off. So Hernandez might not care what he calls him if his lawyer can get him an acquittal.