It's pretty difficult to take the title of "Most Divisive Human Being" these days, but Colin Kaepernick somehow managed to steal the belt with his recent silent, sitting protest of the national anthem.

The 49ers quarterback is drawing lots of support, lots of anger and a truckload of internet outrage. He's also managed to draw anonymous NFL executives into the discussion.

Bleacher Report's Mike Freeman quoted a number of different anonymous NFL execs, with one calling him "a traitor" and another likening him to "Rae Carruth."

A sampling from Freeman's column:

"I don't want him anywhere near my team," one front office executive said. "He's a traitor."

One executive said he hasn't seen this much collective dislike among front office members regarding a player since Rae Carruth.

"He has no respect for our country," one team executive said. "F--k that guy."

Another said that if an owner asked him to sign Kaepernick, he would consider resigning, rather than do it.

This is all pretty hyperbolic. Kaepernick isn't doing himself any favors from a football perspective with his protest -- it's his unalienable right as an American to protest whatever he wants, but in terms of making him a more desirable football quantity, he's not helping himself.

But the "most hated" guy in the league? Compared to Carruth, a guy who is STILL IN JAIL after he plotted to murder his pregnant girlfriend? A traitor?

Come on.

It's a friendly reminder how much easier life is when you can be a faceless critic.

The fire that would come at a front office executive for saying these things publicly would quickly make everyone forget what Kap is doing.