Ezekiel Elliott is just days away from possibly winning Rookie of the Year honors after his stellar first season with the Cowboys. There isn't, however, a timetable for the NFL to wrap up its domestic violence investigation into Elliott.

At his press conference Wednesday, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell made it clear that he isn't pressuring his investigators to finish anytime soon.

"I am not putting any pressure on our investigators," he said, "We have highly trained, highly skilled people and we don't put time limits on those decisions. We want them to be thorough, fair, to come to the right conclusions and notify me from there. At this point, there is no timetable."

The allegations first arose during training camp in July, when TMZ reportedly obtained a police report saying that a female accuser told Columbus PD "she was assaulted by Elliott -- who she claims is her former live-in boyfriend -- while sitting in the driver's seat of her parked car."

Elliott's camp denied the accusations at the time.

In November, USA Today reported that Elliott and the same woman were involved in another alleged domestic violence incident last February. He wasn't arrested. But as CBS Sports NFL Insider Jason La Canfora reported, Elliott could face a lengthy ban if the NFL concludes he violated the league's domestic abuse policy.

In his rookie season, Elliott led the NFL in rushing with 1,631 yards.