Wells report: Harassment details | Martin considered suicide | Coach involved | Racist messages | Incognito lawyer response | NFL, NFLPA, Dolphins to 'review'

On Friday Ted Wells released his full report on the Dolphins harassment incident. It makes the Dolphins organization look like it lacks leadership and it is a disaster for Richie Incognito and his future in football. Incognito has already fired back, via his lawyer, who said that the report is "replete with errors."

Mark Schamel, who represents Incognito, ripped Wells' report and also called into question Jonathan Martin's "mental health" and "drug use."

"Mr. Wells' NFL report is replete with errors. The facts do not support a conclusion that Jonathan Martin's mental health, drug use, or on field performance issues were related to the treatment by his teammates," Schamel said in a statement. "It is disappointing that Mr. Wells would have gotten it so wrong, but not surprising. The truth, as reported by the Dolphins players and as shown by the evidence, is that Jonathan Martin was never bullied by Richie Incognito or any member of the Dolphins Offensive line. 

"We are analyzing the entire report and will release a thorough analysis as soon as it is ready."

That thorough analysis will be an interesting read. Because the full report is a damning collection of evidence against Incognito.

It asserts consistent harassment as well as racially charged incidents and messages. It's not pretty and turning the tide on it will be tough.

Incognito's lawyer apparently believes he can climb that hill.