During the lead up to his presumptive nomination by the Republican party, Donald Trump has repeatedly mentioned his good friend Tom Brady.

The Donald has called out the NFL for its actions in Deflategate, called the treatment of Brady "terrible," gotten booed for mentioning Brady in Maryland, and cited Brady's tremendous help in Massachusetts. He was even reportedly interested in having Brady and Ben Roethlisberger speak for him at the Republican National Convention.

Brady has gotten Trump's back -- "I support all my friends" the quarterback said -- but he won't be going so far as stepping to the podium in Cleveland for Trump. According to Adam Schefter of ESPN, Brady has no plans to even attend the convention.

For a guy who spent the last two years directly in the spotlight, even in the offseason, it would be understandable if Brady didn't want to get in the middle of the fray when it comes to choosing the Republican party's nominee for the Presidency.

Trump should get the selection regardless of whether or not Brady is there to speak, but given the rhetoric surrounding the whole process, it's entirely possible things get heated when the Republicans meet from July 18-21 in Cleveland.

Brady will instead get to spend the end of July soaking in his family vacation, now that he's not spending a ton of time pitching Kevin Durant on joining the Celtics.