Ray Rice is still waiting for a second chance in the NFL, having been out of work since the Ravens cut him during the 2014 season. He's been eligible to return after having his suspension overturned in November 2014, but no one took a chance on him down the stretch last season.

Whether anyone will sign him in free agency remains to be seen, but Rice told Aaron Wilson in a lengthy Q&A with Aaron Wilson of the Baltimore Sun right now is the "best" he's felt and he bought himself "three good years" at least with his time off.

"This year off was probably a blessing in disguise for me. It probably bought me three good  years, or four or five," Rice said. "This is the best I've felt. I've tried to take this year as an injury year except it wasn't my body. I was mentally hurt. It's my job to stay ready because I know I’m not ready to call it quits yet."

Rice added he would be willing to split time with another back and simply wants to "get on the field and contribute."

But Rice's answers aren't all sunshine, roses and optimism. He told Wilson at one point, while dealing with the outcry against him when videotape emerged of him striking his wife, he felt like life "wasn't worth living."

"Honestly, I almost felt like at one point that it wasn't worth living. I see why people commit suicide. It hurt that bad," Rice said. "I was low, real low. It hurt that bad because you worked your whole life to do all the right things and then you're the world's most hated person. It was tough. It was really tough. I got low to a place where I've never been."

Rice praised his faith and family for helping him rise above the situation. He's facing the ultimate second-chance scenario and would be willing to play for anyone. Including the Pittsburgh Steelers.

"It's safe to say I would play for anybody right now," Rice said when asked specifically about Pittsburgh. "I know Baltimore wouldn't like it, but I would play for anybody right now."

Ray Rice says he is willing to play anywhere. (USATSI)