USC athletic director Pat Haden wanted the search for the Trojans' next head football coach to be private, but comments from Tony Dungy to Dan Patrick on his national radio show have forced the school to address whether the job has been offered to anyone less than two weeks after Lane Kiffin's dismissal. 

According to USC, individuals have been "falsely identifying" themselves as high-ranking school officials. The athletic department claims to have identified those people, and deny their association to the search process. 

The school's statement included specific references to contact made with the Denver Broncos' coaching staff, likely defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio, and Tony Dungy.

"Tony's discussion on the radio today of being contacted by USC was a complete surprise to us," USC athletic director Pat Haden said. "So were the calls made to the Broncos.  I can assure you no authorized representative of USC or our athletic department made these calls.
"As I said last week, we will not comment on every name that comes out. It would be a disservice to our players and coaches, who are devoting everything they have into the remainder of our season. We have a head coach right now in Ed Orgeron. We have not offered the job to anyone."

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The Trojans are back in action after a week off on Thursday night at home against Arizona.