If you're like all of us, you're craving sports of any kind during this pause of action due to the coronavirus. One way basketball fans are going to be able to see their favorites back in action is a HORSE competition the NBA and WNBA are putting on

Okay, so it won't have the hype of a home playoff game or the excitement of a series going down to the wire, but hey, it's something.

The players will continue to social distance by doing this from their own locations, going shot for shot in the single-elimination contest.

"Nothing Personal with David Samson" host David Samson admits when this idea was first mentioned he wasn't on board. "I thought the NBA playing HORSE wouldn't be the perfect idea," he said opening the segment, adding that he has now changed his mind. 

For those who did not spend hours on the basketball court as a kid playing games like HORSE and 'Around the World,' Samson breaks it down, explaining that you have to take the same shot as the person before you and if you miss you add a letter. The first one to completely spell out "HORSE" loses.

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Roasting a former NBA champion he says, "There can't be dunking because Paul Pierce is playing... You know very well that you're not dunking anymore [Paul]."

Quarantine HORSE isn't perfect by any means. Players have different size courts, some may not be regulation size and they could end up taking a shot from a slightly different position. At the end of the day, Samson says, "Who cares?"

Like I said before, Samson says at least this is something for sports fans to get invested in. "Just show me some athletes doing something other than eating [or] TikToking."

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Take a look at all the details of the event and how to tune into the "fun" here.