Fans aren't going to see "Black Lives Matter" and social justice messages on NBA courts and jerseys next season. In an interview with ESPN earlier this week, NBA commissioner Adam Silver revealed that the social justice messages aren't going to be noticeable like they were in the bubble this season.

"We're completely committed to standing for social justice and racial equality," Silver said. "It's part of the DNA of this league."

"I would say in terms of the messages you see on the court on our jerseys, this was an extraordinary moment in time, when we began the discussions with the players and what we all lived through this summer."

Silver did also admit that the league will have to talk to the players about this aspect prior to the start of next season.

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There have been "Black Lives Matter" messages on the court along with players being able to put social justice messages on the back of their jerseys when the league restarted this summer. Teams even boycotted playoff games following the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man who was shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

As of right now, Silver believes that the 2020-21 season will begin in January sometime and hopes it'll be in a more normal fashion.

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"My sense is there will be some sort of return to normalcy," Silver added. "That those messages will largely be left to be delivered off the floor. And I understand those people who are saying 'I'm on your side, but I want to watch a basketball game,'" Silver said.