Penn State's hockey team celebrated Friday's decision by the NCAA. (@MattyNest)

Last Friday, the NCAA and Penn State reached an agreement to restore the wins Joe Paterno lost in the sanctions stemming from the Jerry Sandusky scandal at the school that included the sexual abuse of multiple boys. 

The decision gave Joe Paterno 409 career wins again, making him the winningest college football coach in history, and it wasn't long before Penn State started celebrating the decision. That same night, the Penn State hockey team took to the ice with 409 decals on its helmets.

It was a decision that caused some mixed feelings, both at Penn State and outside the school. The fact Penn State was so happy to celebrate the wins and seemingly move past the reason they were removed in the first place bothered many, including its own athletic director. 

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Sandy Barbour responded to a person on Twitter that expressed their disdain for the hockey team's decision.

The user Barbour responded to has since removed her Twitter account. Likely because of the responses she got for her feelings. The same kind of responses Barbour received and felt the need to respond to nearly 12 hours later.

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It had been reported on Friday by's Dennis Dodd that the Penn State basketball team was planning on wearing 409 T-shirts under their jerseys during their Saturday night as well. They did not wear them. You have to think Barbour had something to do with that decision.