Marc Leishman is playing the Zurich Classic this week. (Getty Images)

I don't mean to make light of death here because this is not a story of humor. But you get a sense of just how important the Masters is when the following happens.

Marc Leishman's wife Audrey, as you know, is recovering after being given a 5 percent chance to live just a few weeks ago.

Brian Wacker of wrote a great piece on it recently. In it, Marc Leishman talked about the first few things his wife told him after she woke up from an induced coma.

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“When Audrey first woke up the first thing she said was ‘I love you’ and then said something like ‘I’m sorry about the Masters.’ She got pretty upset. I told her not to worry about it, it’s just golf. She and the boys are more important than golf. It’s a long road ahead but having her still here will make this week a pretty enjoyable week, whether I play well or not.”

You have to admit, that's pretty great. She had just come out of a nearly 100-hour coma and one of her first two sentences is about Augusta?!

Thankfully, Audrey has jumped on that road to recovery. Hopefully, she'll be all the way back soon enough.

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