Rory McIlroy is on top of the world. (Getty Images)

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If you happen to see Rory McIlroy in public anywhere anytime soon I would advise not getting too close and definitely not touching him.

The Ulsterman might literally be on fire after this last six-week stretch of golf and all the spoils that go along with it.

One of those spoils, albeit not lining McIlroy's pockets, is that the golf ball he won the British Open with recently sold for...pause... $52,038.

Insane, right?

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That's the number according to the Green Jacket Auctions website. Darren Rovell interviewed the Green Jacket Auction owner and he said the interest in the ball was crazy.

"There was a lot of interest in this ball," Carey said. "We had 22 different bidders from countries across the world, including Ireland, Australia and countries in Asia."

Sadly nobody at the PGA Championship was able to score one of the Rors-stamped balls. Actually, I'm glad McIlroy didn't fling one into the crowd -- it was so dark somebody might have been smoked in the face.

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