Remember Cue, Toyota's sharpshooting basketball robot? Last time we saw Cue, it was beating humans in a shooting competition. Well Cue is back, with even more range! The Toyota-jersey donning harbinger still has that clunky stroke that we all know and love, and another video has surfaced of Cue burying shots.

This time, however, Cue has been recalibrated to have chucking range, and he's still splashing shots.

Yes, the robot has a honeycomb face, which is terrifying, and it hits its shots using artificial intelligence, which is so much worse. Basically, this thing is getting better, and there's nothing we can do about it.

There is good news, though. First of all, Cue still has the slowest shot in the history of basketball. Second, it doesn't look like Cue's mobility is great, so that's a plus. It won't be D'ing anyone up any time soon.

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Next time Cue is shown, it may be a top-level three-and-D type player, because the creators of this bot want to prove humanity has no place on this earth. Cue's expressionless face will be the last thing any of us see before it's tossing shots at our heads.