The Golden State Warriors are NBA champions once again. For the second straight season -- and third time in four tries -- they defeated LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the Finals. This time, they took care of business quickly, notching the first sweep in the NBA Finals since 2007. 

And with the conclusion of Game 4, the season has come to an end. But as everyone knows, the drama never truly stops in the NBA, as the rumors and storylines will continue to move full steam ahead into the summer. That's pretty much the case every year, but we got some extra fuel for the fire this time around, as both David West and Shaun Livingston hinted at some scandalous behind-the-scenes drama with the Warriors. 

West told ESPN that people would be "shocked" once they find out the full story. He didn't elaborate, but that makes it seem pretty interesting! 

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Livingston, for his part, gave a shoutout to head coach Steve Kerr for dealing with the drama, so it sounds like it involved the players and not the coaching staff. 

West and Livingston dancing around the issue makes it seem like whatever happened is a lot worse than a typical argument. This probably wasn't Draymond Green yelling at Kerr during halftime of a game, or someone skipping practices. If that was the case, we likely would have heard about it by now. 

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Regardless of what actually transpired, West and Livingston only hinting at the problems without giving any sort of clues will certainly give the fans plenty to gossip about. Until we find out what they were talking about, there are sure to be some wild guesses thrown around on social media and around the water cooler.