In gyms across the country, kids of all ages are trying to emulate Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry. Now, they'll have the chance to learn directly from him.

The two-time MVP is going to embark on a new career path: Basketball professor. Curry will be partnering with a company called MasterClass to teach online courses about basketball. He'll film over 15 video lessons that will cover various basketball fundamentals and skills. Via ESPN:

MasterClass, an online educational platform that offers classes by experts in their respective fields, has instructors on staff ranging from Serena Williams and Samuel L. Jackson to Christina Aguilera.

Curry is the company's first basketball player. His class is now open for pre-enrollment at and will go live in early 2018.

He will also occasionally pop in for Q&A sessions. He said he's going to benefit from the courses, as well.

"I get to assess my own game and see what I could have done better, like when I get into a pick-and-roll situation, or a situation where I have to make quick decisions, you can freeze at that moment and explain everything that can possibly happen with all the different outcomes and why I chose to do what I did, versus what I could have done better," Curry said. "I think hearing that from my perspective should be pretty interesting to people who either watch our games or just play basketball themselves."


The enrollment fee is $90 for an individual class and $180 for a year of unlimited access to all classes taught by their professionals. The access can also be purchased as a gift for others.  

Hey, sounds like a pretty good deal. For not even a couple hundred bucks and you too can become the greatest shooter in the history of basketball, develop an unstoppable quick release, and win multiple MVP awards. Maybe in one of the lessons, Curry will even cover how to kick the ball into the hoop from great distances.

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But in all seriousness, this does sound pretty cool. It's not often that you get to hear and see different aspects of the game broken down step by step by a legendary player. It seems likely that following Curry's suggestions and method will likely help you improve your game if that is what you're trying to do.