Andrew Luck seems like a nice guy. Andrew Luck is a smart and worldly gentleman. Andrew Luck is very good at throwing footballs and reading defenses and various other things related to football. And, by all accounts, Andrew Luck is very bad at singing.

As initiation, Luck was asked to sing Saturday night before the opening of training camp Sunday. His choice? John Denver classic "Country Roads." This was not a good choice.

If you're a bad singer -- and given Luck's self-awareness, he certainly knows the score here -- the less melodic the song, the better. "Country Roads" does not lend itself well to the amateur voice. 

So Luck certainly didn't do himself any favors, and his teammates weren't letting him off easy. Not even his coach could sugar-coat the performance.

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“It was awful,” Chuck Pagano told  “I’m glad he’s not doing that for a living, because his signing bonus wouldn’t have been like the one he got.  He gave great effort, though.”

Wide receiver Austin Collie told the website that the performance was "awful" and "horrendous." It would have to be pretty bad for Collie -- a prospective target of Luck's -- to say that.

Nevertheless, Luck wasn't brought in to croon. He was brought in to play quarterback for a team that went 2-14 last season. He starts that climb Sunday. He's clearly better suited for that position.

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