Hopefully -- for everyone's sake -- J.J. Watt won't retire anytime soon. Hopefully, he continues to behave like a cyborg sent from the future, playing through injuries like herniated disks and torn core muscles. Hopefully, Watt, 27, has another decade of sacking quarterbacks in him.

Sure, one day, it'll happen. Eventually, he'll step away from the NFL. But when he does, he really won't be turning his back on the game.

Because, according to Watt, he wants to coach high school football once he retires -- at least that's what he told SportsRadio 610, a CBS Sports Radio station, on Friday.

"I think I would be coaching high school football in some capacity," Watt said. "If that requires being a high school gym teacher, whatever it may be, however I can do that, I just want to have that impact. And that is what I want to do when I'm done (playing in the NFL). I want to coach high school football and that's always what I've wanted to do."

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Watt did, however, hint at an alternate future. A future that features J.J. Watt as a movie star.

J.J. Watt wants to go into coaching once he retires. (USATSI)

"Maybe my life takes me a different path with movies and things like that, but as of right now, at some point in my life I will definitely coach high school football," Watt said. "Just because the impact you can have on kids, and the wisdom you can help give them and teach them and I think they are so impressionable. I was impressionable at that age and my high school coach did such an unbelievable job helping me, so I want to do that for other kids."

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Could we perhaps get yet another Terminator installment, this time featuring Watt as the cyborg from the future? Watt's already nailed down his Arnold impression. Plus, as mentioned above, he already serves as the Texans' unbreakable cyborg sent to hunt down opposing quarterbacks.