Odell Beckham caught a game-tying touchdown for the Giants on Sunday but he shouldn't have been in the game to make the play in the first place the NFL admitted Tuesday.

Dean Blandino, the NFL's VP of officiating, told host Dan Hellie on NFL Total Access that the officials in the game should have ejected Beckham earlier in the game.

"I think when you look at of the actions in their entirety it does warrant an ejection," Blandino said. "Anytime a player is suspended for his actions, (it) would warrant an ejection. We don't take disqualification lightly. It is a short season and the action really has to raise above and beyond the normal course and this certainly did.

"It's certainly an accumulation of instances and not just on Beckham. There was some things on the other side, too, and I think both parties were involved. The officials, if you asked them, they would agree after looking at the tape that ejections were warranted."

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Beckham was suspended by the league after the fact, but only disciplined with flags during the game.

It was pretty obvious to just about anyone who was watching the game Beckham needed to be put in check. He was completely unraveled and at one point speared Panthers cornerback Josh Norman in the head while Norman was defenseless on a play.

Blandino also said Norman deserved some blame too. Norman has reportedly been fined more than $25,000 for his actions in the game). 

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He also said during his interview with Hellie at one point he reminded the officials they could eject players and would have the league's support.

Beckham shouldn't have been in the game for this catch. (USATSI)

"The crew was doing a really tough job of trying to keep the game under control. They had spoken to both head coaches, they had spoken to the players," Blandino said. "There was a point in the game where I did get on the headset to the replay official to remind the referee you can eject players, you’ll have our full support, this thing can not get out of control. Things did tend to settle down as things got closer in the fourth quarter, but certainly there was a point there where things got a little bit crazy."

Knowing Blandino spoke to the refs -- and knowing they had the league's backing to boot a reckless player -- it makes you wonder why Beckham wasn't ejected.

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The Giants, having lost this game and likely losing Beckham for next week, probably wish they had.