Up for a game of Marco Polo? (Instagram)

Richard Sherman is good at a great many things. Organized tackle football, for instance, is chief among his talents. He is particularly skilled at covering wide receivers, at which there may be no one on the planet superior.

One thing he is apparently not good at, though, is playing "Marco Polo," the pool-based game that is essentially a form of tag. Take a look:

You'd think Sherman would be pretty good at catching people that are trying to evade him, since that's part of a cornerback's job description, but it looks like his Seahawks teammates Bruce Irvin, Kam Chancellor, Dion Bailey, Cary Williams and Bobby Wagner did a pretty good job staying away.

Perusing through some of those players' Instagram accounts, it looks like the crew (along with Chancellor's half-brother, Keenan Lambert, and possibly others) went to Hawaii. Check out the flight attendant in the background below. She has no idea what's going on.

They also hung out in the ocean, where they did a ton of flexing, as well as some smiling and mean-mugging.

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Russell Wilson was there, too, in a poorly-fit Hawaiian shirt.