USC got to hear from a couple of Trojan greats after practice on Thursday, as the team prepares to travel to South Bend for the Notre Dame game on Saturday with interim coach Clay Helton leading the charge. 

Keyshawn Johnson spoke first, according to video of three speeches from the Los Angeles Times, demanding absolute attention for his address on the future of the program. 

"Got a little turbulent, a little bit bumpy the last few days or so," Johnson said. "But it's up to you. It's up to y'all to turn the tide. Y'all want him to be the head coach in the future? That's up to you. Because I know he wants to be the head coach."

Keith Rivers followed Johnson, then came Willie McGinest with the haymakers. The former All-American, three-time Super Bowl champion linebacker spoke honestly and from the heart for several minutes -- and as a disclaimer: profanity included -- about where the Trojans come from and what to expect from the team on Saturday. 

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"People used to fear when they stepped on the field with us. They used to fear us. The weak teams? They knew they didn't have a f****** chance. Pretty good teams? They figured they were slim to none. And the really good teams? They knew they had a fight on their hands all f****** day," McGinest said. "It's about you guys and what you guys do right now for the future. Come together, become brothers, execute, be accountable. Do your job, don't worry about what anyone else doing."

Then came a challenge for each side of the ball.  

"Defense? If you tell them you're going to hold them to 10 points go out and do that. Offense? Go put 40 on their a**," McGinest instructed. "Hold each other accountable."

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You can see the entire video below (again, profanity included), via the Los Angeles Times

Keyshawn Johnson addressed USC's team on Thursday. (USATSI)