Via Fox Sports reporter Lindsey Thiry, here's video of Lane Kiffin's post-practice press conference Wednesday ... all 29 seconds of it:

You might notice a gap in the audio not long after the presser starts -- that's a question being asked of Kiffin about a specific player's practice participation, and has been muted (per Thiry) in order to comply with USC's media policies. Those policies came under fire recently when the Trojans banned (then un-banned) a Los Angeles Daily News reporter for reporting injury information pertaining to kicker Andre Heidari.

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Whether Kiffin bailed in reponse to the question or in general frustration after his team's upset loss to Stanford -- or, most likely, both -- Kiffin likely won't be saying. But as the video shows, Kiffin isn't much in the mood to say anything about anything at the moment.