It was the dying embers of Hillcrest-Tuscaloosa (AL) High School's game against rival Wetumpka (AL) High. They were down 30-28 on their own 41-yard line with just 2.8 seconds left.

With a field goal way out of the question, all they had left to hope for was a miracle. Luckily for them, they had a play in their back pocket just for situations that demand such divine intervention in sports. It started with a dump-off pass to the left, which led to the receiver lateraling the ball to a nearby teammate. One lateral turned into two, and the two soon doubled to four, which then ballooned into nine total laterals. A few good blocks, well-spaced runs and some poor tackling later, the Patriots were in the end zone with the game-winning touchdown.

What also seemed to especially help was a brief period where the players on Wetumpka's side seemed to think that the play had been called dead after a Hillcrest player fumbled the ball and two defenders tried to fall on it. However, neither of the defenders who went after the ball actually took possession of it, nor were they ever called down. This, of course, is why every football coach in the history of the sport has yelled themselves hoarse over making sure players play through the whistle.

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Ultimately it was the quarterback, sophomore Ethan Crawford, who bookended the play, throwing the initial pass that got things started, and scooping up the final loose ball to run it into the end zone.