Ah, the free throw...the only moment in a basketball game where you get an unguarded chance to put points on the board. The idea is that they are supposed to be easy, though that's not always the case. A bad free throw can often lead to embarrassment and shame, but they rarely lead to a 45 minute delay.

That's exactly what happened in Pennsylvania this week. During a consolation game between Mercer High and General McLane High, Kelsey Swartz stepped to the charity stripe for her second attempt. While the shot initially appeared to be on target, the rim didn't hold up its end of the bargain. As the ball hit, the entire rim detached from the backboard and fell to the ground. The game was delayed about 45 minutes as the rim was replaced. General McLane High would go on to win the contest 59-32.

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Word has it the old rim was spotted in the gym after the game, furiously lifting weights.