Tiger Woods will not play the Safeway Open this week after committing to it last week. He said on Monday his game feels "vulnerable" although his body feels fine. I actually noted on Monday that this is not a huge concern. If the back is bad, that's not good. If the game is not there yet, who cares? It's October. It's not the week before the Masters.

Woods' agent, Mark Steinberg, reiterated this on Monday to Golf Digest and explained why Woods committed last Friday but pulled out by Monday.

"He played a lot of holes of golf, and the game just wasn't there," Steinberg told Golf Digest. "[He] didn't quite get all the holes in prior to the Friday decision, but he really wanted to play this weekend. You have to commit the Friday before. He flew Joey [Woods' caddie, Joe LaCava] down to Florida. He flew him out to California with him. They were going through their prep for a tournament. Going through the weekend, playing as much golf as he did, it just wasn't to the standard he wants it to be."

I have no issue with this. It makes sense. Everybody freaking out on social media needs to settle down. The one thing that is concerning is that Woods' pal Notah Begay said it is the "in between" shots that are frustrating Woods currently. This correlates with what happened to him at the beginning of 2015 when he couldn't chip at the Phoenix Open. He fixed that, though, and I presume he will fix this.

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Still, we won't see him until the Hero World Challenge in December after Steinberg explained why he pulled out of the Turkish Airlines Open on the European Tour in November.

"That would be an inappropriate thing to do," Steinberg said of Woods returning at the European Tour event. "It's my opinion, and Tiger and I talked about it and we agreed. He's been out for 15 months. It's not appropriate to come back to a non-PGA Tour sanctioned event."

Fair enough. This is a bummer, of course, but Woods is only 40. There is a lot of time left for him to still have a special final decade. I think Johnny Miller, who plays host at the Safeway Open in Napa, California, spoke for all of us on Monday.

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"I'm hoping that Tiger uses that as a goal, to win in front of his kids," Miller told Golfweek. " ... Then he can have joy in doing so, and joy in the game. Go enjoy the darned game. I hope that he can come back. I hope he doesn't walk away."