On Nov. 8, right-wise Americans will descend upon high school gymnasiums all across this fair land to exercise the franchise and elect a new president. In advance of that vital occasion, the Potomac Nationals -- fightin' Carolina League affiliate of the Washington Nationals -- would like to set the scene with some appropriate bobbleheads. Please witness this electronic promotional flyer ...

All right. As you can see, on Sept. 3 some lucky game-goers will receive a bobble of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, and said bobblehead will be adorned with real hair. Putatively, this is a feature and not a bug.

But wait: That's not all! From the write-up of note ...

On Saturday, September 3rd, P-Nats fans of legal voting age (18 and older) will have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to vote in a mock 2016 Presidential Election at G. Richard Pfitzner Stadium, Home of the Potomac Nationals, while the Red, White, & Blue take on the Myrtle Beach Pelicans (Chicago Cubs) at 6:35pm EST.

Gates to Pfitzner Stadium will open for 2016 Presidential Election polling at 5:00pm.

The Official 2016 Pfitzner Stadium Presidential Election Ballot will feature both major party United States Presidential Candidates, Democratic Presidential Nominee, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, and Republican Presidential Nominee, Donald John Trump, in addition to an "Other Candidate" option.

So it's the first 2,000 to cast their ballots who receive the hairy bobblehead of their choice. As for the "Other Candidate" option, Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein are obvious options, as is Harambe.

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The point is that as the Potomac Nationals go, so goes the country. Now please take the occasion to discuss hot-button political issues while clicking on ads.