The great Pedro Martinez spent seven seasons with the Red Sox, and he enjoyed a legendary run on their watch. From 1998-2004, Martinez across 201 starts and a pair of relief appearances pitched to a 2.52 ERA. That figure's even more remarkable when you consider the high-offense era of that day (it comes to an eye-popping ERA+ of 190). Oh, he also struck out more than five times as many batters as he walked on Boston's watch. From 1999-2000, Martinez enjoyed one of the great two-season peaks of any pitcher in baseball history. With the Sox, he won two Cy Young awards and notched four other top-four finishes in the balloting.

All of this is to say, Martinez is a certifiable Red Sox legend. It follows, then, that no Sock will ever again wear No. 45.

July 28 will be a big day for Pedro and the Sox. (USATSI)

The Red Sox announced on Monday that they'll retire Martinez's No. 45 jersey before the July 28 game against the White Sox in Fenway. Two days prior, Martinez will be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Here's a statement from principal owner John Henry:

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"To be elected into the Baseball Hall of Fame upon his first year of eligibility speaks volumes regarding Pedro's outstanding career, and is a testament to the respect and admiration so many in baseball have for him.

"And baseball fans admire Pedro for more than his remarkable career accomplishments. His dynamic personality, love for the game, his fearlessness coupled with humility, his passionate, competitive spirit, and his ability to squeeze every ounce of talent out of a small frame were reasons so many fans connected with him. For me, personally, he was one of the most incredible pitchers I've had the privilege of watching, and one of the reasons our ownership group arrived here in 2002. We very much look forward to honoring Pedro's remarkable career this July."

Martinez will become the ninth player to have his number retired by the Red Sox. Needless to say, it's a fitting honor for one of the best pitchers of the contemporary era.