Major League Baseball's offseason is almost over. Spring training is starting, and that means everyone is thinking about the future. In most cities, that means next season; in some, though, it means the bigger picture, the next three to five years. You're either selling wins or you're selling hope, the old saying goes. We here at CBS Sports like to provide as much hope as we can around this time of the winter by evaluating each team's farm system.

Of course, that doesn't mean every team has an equally good farm system -- some, as you'll find out throughout this process, are lacking in that respect. It does mean, nevertheless, that CBS Sports will be spending the next couple of months examining the top three prospects in each organization. We define "prospects" as retaining their rookie eligibility for the 2024 season, so if a young player is missing that's likely why. 

These lists and evaluations are formed following conversations with scouts, analysts, and player development types. There's also firsthand evaluation and bias thrown into the mix. Keep in mind that player evaluation is a hard task, and it's fine if you disagree with the rankings. These are opinions, and they have no real bearing on the future. You can check out our winter top 25 list by clicking here.

With that in mind, let's get to it by dissecting the San Francisco Giants.

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1. Kyle Harrison, LHP (22 years old)

  • Top-25 ranking: No. 24
  • The short version: Two-pitch low-slot lefty with command questions. 
  • MLB ETA: Debuted in 2023

Harrison's ability to get far down the mound affords him one of the funkier release points in the majors. His pitches play faster as a result, but it also causes him to have a vertical release that was, on average, below six feet. That puts him in a special class of pitcher, alongside the likes of Joe Ryan, Andrew Heaney, and Bryan Woo. Harrison is essentially a two-pitch pitcher, relying heavily on his low-to-mid-90s fastball and slurve. He threw more strikes than expected during a seven-game big-league cameo, though the Giants were also careful to prevent overexposure. He did not face more than 24 batters in an appearance. We'll see if the Giants are more aggressive with him in 2024.

2. Bryce Eldridge, OF/RHP (19 years old)

  • The short version: Power bat from the left side, power arm from the right side.
  • MLB ETA: Summer 2027

Put a star next to Eldridge's name. You're going to hear and read a lot about him over the coming years, with some coverage portraying him as the American Ohtani. Will he live up to that particular billing? No chance -- it's an impossible standard to meet. Eldridge is still an intriguing two-way prospect. He leverages his 6-foot-7 frame and lofty left-handed swing to generate at least plus power. He hit .294/.400/.505 in his introduction to pro ball while gaining experience in the outfield. Batters of this size tend to have exploitable swings and strikeout concerns, and that's something to be mindful of with Eldridge moving forward. He hasn't yet pitched as a professional -- that's coming in 2024 -- but he's capable of sitting in the mid-90s with his heater and he's shown a feel for multiple secondary offerings. If Eldridge ends up as one or the other, we suspect he'll become a full-time hitter. Until then, enjoy the ride (if not the unfair comparisons).

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3. Marco Luciano, SS (22 years old)

  • The short version: One more time.
  • MLB ETA: Debuted in 2023

Luciano has been on prospect lists for almost the entirety of his professional career, making him feel much older than 22. We feel confident stating that, one way or another, this is the last time he gets ranked; either he lands a full-time role on the Giants and graduates out of prospect status, or he doesn't and that tanks his stock. The makings of a good player are mostly here, but there are significant flaws that could undermine his chances of fulfilling that promise. Luciano has good strength and a firm understanding of the strike zone. Alas, his patient approach married to his extreme swing-and-miss tendencies have doomed him to strikeout rates north of 30% at the game's higher levels. Defensively, Luciano's chances of sticking at shortstop have been doubted for some time. If he can't cut it there, the pressure on his bat is going to increase -- and with it, the pressure on him keeping his K rate in check. The Giants have signaled they intend to let him compete for a job come spring. Stay tuned.