Despite selling at the trade deadline, the Yankees remain relevant in the postseason race with less than four weeks to go in the season. They're 3 1/2 games back of the second wild card spot following Monday's win over the Blue Jays (NYY 5, TOR 3).

The game would have been closer if not for rookie right fielder Aaron Judge. Dioner Navarro lifted a high fly ball towards Yankee Stadium's short right field porch, and the 6-foot-7 Judge was able to make the catch over the wall without even jumping. Check it out:

There's a little tiny hop there, but not a full blown jump like we see with more home run robberies. Also, I'm not convinced that ball was going to go over the wall, though it would have been close. It looked like it was going to hit the edge, at which point it could have done anything. Bounce over for a homer, drop into the warning track, pop-up in the air ... who knows?

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Either way, Judge made it moot. He nonchalantly reached up and pulled the ball back over the 8-foot-6 wall like it was no big deal. It's good to be tall.