On Saturday, the Cleveland Indians learned who they'd be facing in the World Series (the Chicago Cubs, in case you've been totally off the grid). On Sunday, the Indians responded by naming part of their rotation.

Here's what Terry Francona has in mind to begin the best-of-seven series:

No real surprises there.

Corey Kluber was always going to start Game 1, just like some combination of Josh Tomlin and Trevor Bauer was going to account for Games 2 and 3. The most interesting decision the Indians will make concerns the Game 4 starter -- and that could hinge on a number of circumstances.

The Indians could wind up starting Kluber in that game if they're down 3-0 or 2-1 -- alternatively, they could end up starting someone like Ryan Merritt. There's also the possibility that Danny Salazar -- who continues to work his way back from a strained forearm that has sidelined him since early September -- is tapped as the Game 4 starter. We just don't know yet. Heck, the Indians might not know yet.

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So, yeah. Nothing too noteworthy here. But we'll have real intrigue soon enough.