As we’ve seen with Brad Stevens in recent weeks, NBA coaches with NCAA experience are always going to be floated around as potential options when a high-profile college job opens up. Billy Donovan of the Oklahoma City Thunder is the latest to experience this song and dance, as his name has been thrown around in regards to the job opening at Indiana University. 

While Donovan had plenty of success at the college level, winning back-to-back titles with the University of Florida a decade ago, the Thunder coach has no desire to return to the amateur game. ESPN’s Jeff Goodman talked to Donovan about the college rumors, and Donovon let him know he was happy to be in OKC. Here’s what he had to say, via Goodman

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Billy Donovan’s name has been tossed around lately for college openings. Just spoke to Donovan and he said he is “very, very happy in the NBA and in Oklahoma City -- and is committed there.” Hasn’t even finished his second season in NBA.

The Thunder are curently 40-29 in the midst of Donovan’s second year in OKC.

If Donovan didn’t leave after losing Kevin Durant the summer after his first year on the job, it’s hard to see Donovan leaving now. However, Donovan certainly has a history of changing his mind at the last minute, so hey, you never know.