Glen Davis has re-emerged in the national conscience the last week after doing a bit of a media tour. He was in Turner Studios the other night on Kevin Garnett's TNT postgame show, Area 21. On Wednesday, Davis appeared on Fox Sports 1's Undisputed to talk about the 2008 Celtics and further explain some of the comments made on the show.

In Davis' appearance, he commented on his relationship with Doc Rivers, and the '08 Celtics' range of opinions on former teammate Ray Allen. The majority of the Celtics are still uncomfortable with the way Allen chose to leave, and share the same angry stance as Garnett after Allen left Boston for its biggest rival -- the Miami Heat. However, that was a long time ago and one would think the beef has lessened since then. According to Davis, that's not even close to the case.

"... there's a better chance of kissing Donald Trump in the mouth. It's never going to happen. That is never going to happen. Ray is never going to say that."

Davis' biggest statement about Allen came at the end (11:18 mark) when he said that Allen is more likely to kiss Donald Trump on the mouth than ever apologize to Garnett for the way he left. Davis also spends the entire segment defending the Celtics' standpoint rather than Allen's.

Davis also went on to say he doesn't feel bad for Ray Allen, who "dug his own grave."

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Honestly, there's no reason for Allen to ever apologize to Garnett in the first place. He has moved on from what happened. The only people that seem to still care about this are those same Celtics players that, no matter what Allen does, will forever hold a grudge against him. So, yes, Davis is right that Allen would sooner kiss Donald Trump on the mouth than apologize to Garnett, because K.G. will never accept that apology. Sadly, that beef is never going to reach a conclusion.