Just when you think the Kevin Durant-Russell Westbrook saga is over, it rears its ugly head.

Durant is currently generating headlines for a recently published Rolling Stone story, in which he says some not-so-favorable things about his former Thunder teammate. Durant also revealed in the piece that there was no way he would have joined the Warriors if they had won the title last May.

Despite the revelations, there's something else that fans seem to be fixated on: Durant's outfit.

You see, K.D. went with an -- umm -- interesting wardrobe selection for the magazine cover.

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And just like the ravenous wolves that they are, Twitter users capitalized on the opportunity to blast Durant's tank top-and-jeans ensemble.

So apparently Durant is either going to a BBQ or ready to fix your car ... or both.

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With the regular season opener still a week away, it's good to see that Twitter is already in midseason form.